Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Natural Cabana Tropical Mango Lemonade

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Where I found it: Office Cafeteria

What the package says:
"100% natural lemonade"

What I thought of it:
It's pleasant: not too sweet or too tart. I think the mango in this drink fought a noble battle with the lemons -- enough to neutralize much of the sourness, but not enough to triumph so we can taste its victory. If there's mango in there, we don't taste it. Only, perhaps, its influence. It's enjoyable like a Shakespearean tragedy.


  1. I really enjoyed the Cabana Tropical Mango lemonade when I tried it. This is intended to be lemonade after all, so I guess it makes sense the mango isn't the dominant flavor :) It is a nice blend of flavors that compliment each other though.

    1. Thanks for your comment bearsfootballfan. I agree with you actually. It's a good tasting lemonade. However, since I am on the hunt for mango, my rating is based on not being able to really taste it.
