Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bolthouse Farms Amazing Mango

Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars
Where I found it: Deli on corner of 18th and Madison, NYC

What the package says:
"Nearly two mangoes per bottle"

What it's made of:
Apple juice from concentrate, mango purée from concentrate, Valencia orange juice from concentrate, banana purée, pineapple juice from concentrate, lemon juice from concentrate, natural flavor, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, vitamin A, iron, selenium, red beet juice concentrate

What I thought of it:
So remember Susan Boyle? She shattered everyone's prejudice when she sang about dreaming a dream on Britain's Got Talent. Well, here's one more thing to remind you that you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover -- or a smoothie by its label. For something that listed "apple juice" first, it really sings of mango. It's rich and a little tart but overall a sweet and delicious party for the tongue.

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