Sunday, August 5, 2012

Magnolia Mango Milkbars

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Where I found it: Kings

The package says:
"Made with Genuine Carabao Mangoes... Made in the USA."

What I think of it:
I was very excited when I saw this at Kings. The Magnolia brand brought me back to my Philippine childhood but the "made in the USA" stamp threw me off. It claimed to be made from genuine Carabao Mangoes, the sweetest mangoes in the world in my opinion. But just how fresh could those mangoes be? They had to come across the Pacific to meet with "Real California Milk." Hmmm... Perfectly Magnolia. It tasted just like the Magnolia ice cream I knew and loved. This ice cream milkbar has the power to transport you to the tropics the moment it touches your tongue.

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